New Inputs Page

The Inputs page has been overhauled to provide an improved performance and editing experience. Rebuilt from the ground up the new Inputs page is built around a high-performance data grid bringing with it a range of new functionality.

Edit in the Grid

The most notable change is that you no longer have to switch into edit mode to make changes to an Input Set. Instead, the Input Set is directly editable allowing you to work within the Grid and take advantage of the condensed layout, filtering and sorting.

Performance Improvements

Performance when viewing, loading and saving have all been improved, allowing you to load and edit large Input Sets more quickly while maintaining smooth scrolling and responsive UI. You'll also be able to link directly to individual Input Sets when sharing the URL in an email or message.

Self Referencing Input Sets

Another enhancement is self-referential Input Sets where you want to refer to another Input in the same Set. Previously you'd need to save the Input Set before you could select a newly created Input. Now, they'll appear immediately so there are no hoops to jump through if you want to make a self-contained set of Derived Inputs.

Filtering, Sorting and Dragging

Filtering and sorting allow you to use the Input name or Tags to find what you're looking for. This also works for list codes and labels whichever you are working with. Just keep in mind that Inputs are stored in an explicit order, when no sorting is applied you can drag Groups and Inputs around into any desired order.

And Much More

There have also been a range of minor improvements to Input Sets including easier initial configuration of the Set Name, choosing the Model or Scenario scope, validation, derived selectors, previews formatting and more.

Last updated